Great Links
We hope you'll find these links helpful and enjoyable!
Safety Sites
Great Sites for finding information on safety regulations, supplies, etc.-
The Alberta Construction Safety Association offers a lot of great resources and courses.
Although this is a U.S. Government Site, it is a huge resource for anyone in the health and safety field.
We are certified to teach under ASC in Forklift & ATV. They also offer a lot of other courses – especially motorcycle training.
The Red Cross is the world's largest humanitarian organization. Pro Safety is a proud to be associated with the Red Cross as an Authorized Provider. Please contact the Red Cross to donate to people in crisis, or to find out about volunteer opportunities.
Get the straight goods on Transportation of Dangerous Goods from the horse’s mouth. (sorry – I mean the government department which oversees it).
Alberta Government Website, where you can download all the OH & S regulations for free! Or you can order them online from the Queen’s printer.
Running Sites
We are runners & would love to share a few of our favourite sites. If you are stressed, or feeling a little sluggish, we highly recommend running / walking as a great, economical way to de-stress & increase energy. (Disclaimer: Consult your doctor first!)-
If you don’t have a GPS & want to know how far you’ve run w/out driving in your car, THIS SITE is the best! Using Google Earth, you can find your house & start recording: It tells you distance (metric or imperial), show splits, and even calories burned!
A great race predictor based on your earlier performance.
A great training pace calculator from Runner's World.
Everything you wanted to know about running and then some – a lot of great links from this site.
Enter your distance and time and it will tell you your pace.
A free online running log – for those of us who are too lazy to write).
A great video that shamelessly promotes Brooks running shoes, but has a great tune and taps into some of the motivation of why we run.
Lots of great stuff about running.
Faith / Social Action Sites
These are sites that we have found helpful or inspiring. Jesus said: “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” ( Matthew 25:40, NIV) Please take a minute to check some of these out.-
Interested in exploring faith with absolutely no pressure? The Alpha course is a great place to start (comes complete with free meals or dessert!) Check this site for a course near you.
Whether you like the military model or not, you will agree that the Sally Ann does a huge amount of good in this world full of hurting and needy people.
We went to Africa & saw first hand the good work that Compassion is doing. (We'd love to tell you all about our trip!) Please consider sponsoring a child. For less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day you can provide the essentials for a needy child.
Hopefully the title says it all! Check it out to be challenged (or just to see the great videos from Bono or Nelson Mandela).
Official website of the “one” campaign, an innovative effort to end world poverty.
Website of Evangelicals for Social Action, founded by Ron Sider, the author of Rich Christians in a World of Hunger.
The online home of Sojourner's community, Jim Wallace and Sojourners Magazine.
Works through the legal systems in developing countries to eilimnate slave labour, sex trade, human trafficing, etc.